Thursday, July 24, 2014

Airodump CSV Tools

I've been busy working on a program that merges and parses CSV files generated by Airodump-ng.  After many hours of coding, I think I am ready to release a beta.

  • Merges the CSV files into one CSV file, html file, or text file, keeping the APs and Stations together.
  • Has options to only show APs and Stations that are new or old in the last file you import.
  • Optional text output for cron, etc.
  • Adds manufacturer info (OUI) to APs and end devices, and the ESSID (if applicable) to end devices, in text/html output modes.
You can download it here.

Ubuntu 22.04 on VMware Workstation Error

 I tried installing Ubuntu 22.04 server on VMware Workstation and got this message: Sorry, there was a problem completing the installation E...